All you need is some A4 paper, glue, cardboard, scissors and sticky tape.. I thought about adding a few colourful cones in there but then decided against that idea cos I don't know where I am going to put it yet.
I just cut a piece of card stock to a square shape I thought was big enough, then started rolling my paper into cone shapes, this is the time consuming part that feels like its never going to end!
Once you have a few start placing them around the piece of cardboard until you get the look you want, then stick them down with glue. I also put sticky tape in the bottom of them to help them stick. Then I just kept layering the cones until i got my desired look.
My dilemma, I couldn't think of anything to put in the middle of it, i tried smaller cones but just couldn't get them to look right. But like usual, Pinterest came to my rescue! A paper flower!!
So I got the general idea from Pinterest which originally came from A Law Students Journey. Just cut a few strips of plain white paper and stuck them together, and BAM! Now it has a centre :)
Now I just have to find a place for it, and figure out how to hang cardboard on the wall without it tearing.. Have you got any suggestions?!